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Music instrument repair and historic instrument making in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Autorenbild: faireyelizabethfaireyelizabeth

Having a great music instrument repair shop close to where you live is such a luxury. In the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern we have a great repairman who can literally fix anything and is also incredibly nice and has fair prices. In addition to repairing instruments he also makes historic trumpets and trombones, and teaches courses on how to make them. Who is this man, guru and master of instrument making?

Herr Michael Münkwitz is the genius I am referring to. Herr Münkwitz speaks English and German and can fix really just about anything.

Where can Herr Münkwitz be found?

Musik Münkwitz

Michael Münkwitz

Tannenweg 22

D-18059 Rostock

What other services does Musik Münkwitz offer?

- Instrument rental

- Instrument rent to own programs

- Instrument buying and selling

- Build your own historical baroque trumpet or trombone

- Mouthpieces and Reeds for most band instruments.

- Great conversations on all topics, especially on brass instruments and music.

Hurry on over to Musik Münkwitz to get your instruments made, repaired and taken care of properly today.

Happy Practicing!


Musik-Rolle hat jetzt online Unterricht:

Unterrichtsort in Niedersachsen: 

Kreismusikschule Leer 

Am Schlosspark 22

26789 Leer (Ostfriesland)


IBAN: DE09370190001010236611


Der Unterricht findet von Montag bis Freitag statt.


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Montag - Rhauderfehn

Dienstag - Leer

Mittwoch - Leer & Remels

Donnerstag - Leer

Freitag -

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